frequently asked Questions

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iboga microdosing

All your questions will be answered here. Take a look around our blog and find out interesting information about iboga.

Question: What is iboga?
Answer: Iboga is a plant that belongs to the dogbane family. By the way, the Latin name of the iboga is: Tabernanthe Iboga. The iboga bush reaches an average height of 1-2 meters. It is leafy with innumerable small leaves, which have a shiny surface and have the shape of a lance. >> Read more here ...

Question: What does iboga do?
Answer: Iboga causes an inner view of the past in order to dissolve old patterns that can cause pain in the present and prevent one from realizing one's full potential.

Question: Where does the iboga from the shop come from ?
Answer: We work together with a farmer who sends us the iboga as whole root bark. When it gets here, we hand grind it to get the highest and purest quality. >> Read more here ...

Question: How to use iboga ?
Answer: Iboga can be used in a variety of ways. In other cultures, iboga is used ceremonially in the rite of coming of age (AWAKENING). >> Read more here ...

Question: Why does the iboga root bark contain 6% ibogaine?
Answer: The highest active ingredient content of an iboga root bark that has been determined to date is 6% >> Read more here ...

Question: What is the legal situation of iboga in Germany?
Answer: Tabernanthe iboga and ibogaine are not subject to the BtMG (narcotics law). Thus, ownership and distribution are legal in Germany.

Question: I need help using iboga, what can I do?
Answer: Together with our partner Set & Setting, we are working on educating and using this fantastic miracle plant. If you need support, you will get everything you need here! Click here and get all the information >>


  • Lyane

    Leider war unter dem Video von Daniel nichts was ich finden Konnte um z. B. Kommentare zu hinterlassen oder auch Kanäle die ich abonnieren könnte… Wo kann ich ihn auf insta finden usw? Ich hoffe auf baldige info…

  • Mario Gragoll

    Ich wiege 90 Kilo.
    Wieviel Iboga sollte ich beim ersten mal einnehmen?
    In Gramm.

  • Nazario Leggieri

    Wie nehme ich es ein um microdosing optimal zu betreiben um den positiven Nutzen dieser Pflanze kennenlernen? Kann ich es einfach schlucken? Oder muss man es mit was anderem mischen.

  • Barbara Kölbl

    Obwohl ich in schamanischer Ausbildung bin, habe ich von dieser Pflanze noch nie gehört. Sie interessiert mich aber sehr, aber ich habe keine Ahnung wie ich sie verwenden kann. Als Pulver mit Mapacho, als Rape. Oder in Wasser ansetzen,…..?

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